Sunday, December 2, 2012


  • 3 potatoes, peeled and cut to cubes
  • 4 C water for boiling (Use 2 C of the boiled water)
  • 2 C white flour
  • 1 Tbs sugar
  • 2 tsp dry yeast
  1. Boil the potatoes in 4 C of water until tender
  2. Drain the liquid off into a large bowl. Set aside until it cools.
  3. Take 2 C of the slightly warm potatoes water.
  4. Mix in the remaining ingredients.
  5. Cover the bowl with a clean kitchen napkin and hold in place with a rubber band.
  6. Let stand 4- 5 days at room temperature.
  7. Stir it once a day.
  8. After 4 days, check to see if the mixture has fermented. (there should be bubbles on top and a pleasant  sour smell.
  9. If there are no bubbles, let stand for 1 more day.
  10. Put the sourdough (starter) as called in recipes into a glass jar.
  11. Cover and store in the refrigerator.
  12. Use a small amount of the starter within a week.
  13. Every time you want to use it, remove it from the refrigerator. Let it come to room temperature.
  14. You can let it sit overnight on the counter.
  15. After you use it, you have to feed it.
  16. To feed:  Add 1/4 C flour and 1/4 C cool water. Mix well. Let it stand covered 6- 8 hours at room temperature. When you see bubbles, close the jar, refrigerate it.

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