Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pears Poached On Red Wine

  • 6 pears, peeled and cored
  • 1 bottle red wine
  • 1/2 C sugar
  • 2 clou de girofle ( clove )
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 package vanilla sugar
  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • lemon or orange zest
  1. Apart pears bring to a boil all the ingredients.
  2. When  mixture starts to boil, lower heat and add pears.
  3. Cook  pears for about 20 minutes turning them once or twice.
  4. They have to be almost firm tender, but not too tender.
  5. Remove pears and let them cool.
  6. Slice them as seen in the picture.
  7. Boil  liquid until half of the quantity is evaporated.
  8. Pour the sauce over the pears.
  9. Serve as a dessert or as accompaniment to Chicken Liver Pate.
  10. Note: You can replace red wine by white wine if you wish.

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